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SIC Salone Industria Casearia e Conserviera Saremo lieti di accogliervi al nostro stand durante...

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INDUSTRIAL PLANT DESIGN OUR KNOW-HOW Tecnloat spa's know-how is geared towards the design of innovative industrial plants that respond precisely and reliably to the specific needs of the customer and the relevant production sector. Companies operating in the beverage and spirits, oenology, food and chemical industries turn to Granzotto knowing they can count on customised, functional and effective solutions. We are able to provide specific consultancy for each type of plant or production system. Each design phase is subjected to direct analysis by the customer...

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TECNOLAT var str = document.getElementById("kv-Animate-Heading"); var newStr = ""; var heading = str.innerText.split(" "); var i = 0; for (var splitSen = 0; splitSen < heading.length; splitSen++) { console.log(splitSen); newStr = newStr + ""; for (var word = 0; word < heading[splitSen].length; word++) { console.log(heading[splitSen]); newStr = newStr + "" + heading[splitSen].charAt(word) + "" + heading[splitSen].charAt(word) + ""; i++; } newStr = newStr + ""; } str.innerHTML = newStr; var randLetter = 0; var animatedLetters...

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POLIVALENTE CIRCOLARE RIBALTABILE TRIPLA CON INVERTER CARATTERISTICHE: N.3 vasca circolare della capacità di 2.000 litri;Doppiofondo riscaldato con immissione di vapore;Gruppo di agitazione e taglio del tipo a planetario STATO USATO: PARI AL NUOVO RICHIEDI INFO CONFEZIONATRICE VASETTI ILPRA 1000 CARATTERISTICHE: Produttività: 1.000 VASETTI/ora STATO USATO: BUONE CONDIZIONI RICHIEDI INFO ...

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VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW Never Miss Our News Z. I. Fosso Imperatore, Lotto 12 84014 Nocera Inferiore (SA) tel +39 081 9371301This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.VAT: 02790120659 SITE MAP COMPANYMACHINESPRODUCTION LINESDESIGNUSEDNEWS ...

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    Z.I. – Fosso Imperatore, Lotto 12 84014 Nocera Inferiore (SA) P.I. 02790120659 tel +39 081 9371301 fax +39 081 9371350 HEAD OFFICE This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. PURCHASING DEPARTMENT This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. FOREIGN DEPARTMENT This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view...

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